Which ReduSystems product is best for my situation?

ReduSystems coatings on your greenhouse roof offer a range of options for creating the required indoor climate. Whether it's a matter of diffusing light or filtering out certain colours of the light spectrum, in 2015 there are ample possibilities. However, with all options available it is actually becoming increasingly difficult to choose which product is perfect for your business and crop production. What's more, the climatic conditions in Southern France are a lot different from those in the Middle East; in fact, even if your business is located in Paris or Nice, the climates can vary quite widely from each other.

Over the past 25 years, Mardenkro has built up a vast amount of experience in the application of ReduSystems products in a wide variety of climate conditions and types of greenhouse. This know-how has now been bundled together in a handy Product Wizard: the ReduWizard. The ReduWizard advises you about which ReduSystems product to use based on your location and using a database containing worldwide climate details such as rainfall, temperature and radiation statistics. ReduWizard then works out the amount of product you need to use for the desired effect in your greenhouse and it will show you a list of features of the selected ReduSystems product. Should ReduWizard recommend two ReduSystems products, you can compare the values displayed and then decide which product you prefer.

After entering your e-mail address, you will automatically receive a personal recommendation in your mailbox. If you are looking for a customised solution, you can always get in touch with one of Mardenkro's product consultants.

ReduWizard is accessible via www.redusystems.com and it will also work on your smartphone or tablet.

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